RESEARCH INTERESTS: probability theory, branching processes, coalescent theory, undergraduate mathematics education, integration of mathematics and faith
We live in a world dictated by (seemingly) random events. Probability theory helps us to quantifiably understand these random processes that we observe in our physical world. When people think of probability theory, it’s generally limited to “how likely is it to rain this weekend” or “what are the chances I will win the HGTV dream home this year?” (that one is personal for me...) It is so much more! We have an intuitive understanding of terms related to probability theory from these everyday examples, but we can build on these principles to develop the mathematical theory that accurately describes these events and infers the behavior of unknown events. Probability is a wonderful topic for mathematics research because in order to do it well, you must have an understanding of set theory, measure theory, statistics, and much more. Studying probability theory produces well-rounded mathematicians who develop skills required to produce rigorous mathematical work in various fields.
Isihara, P., Congdon, E., Perciante, T. (2018) Mini-research experience in simple linear regression. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 28(7), 699-716. Doi: 10.1080/10511970.2017.1405855
Branching Processes - NCSU (2021) Doctoral Dissertation Defense and Preliminary Oral Defense
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Symmetric Elliptic Operators - NCSU (2018) Departmental Talk